Industry Insight: Placing 5G Bets in Innovation

What is 5G innovation? We hear about it all the time but 5G has yet to inspire innovation outside of the technology itself. Afterall, autonomous vehicles are nowhere near mainstream nor is robotic surgery. What are the practical areas that government and private enterprises prioritize and focus on first to bring the benefits of 5G to the public and consumers?

Crossing the 5G and IoT Connectivity Chasm with SDR and SDN

The 5G promise is broad and ambitious, but business leaders need to recognize that we are at the very beginning of this journey, and emerging technologies under the 5G umbrella are creating new opportunities for new entrants to fill the gaps as the world moves toward the promise of 5G such as 5G-enabled IoT, new shared spectrum resources, hybrid multi-cloud services brokering, network slicing on demand within mobile computing nano-data centers at the carrier edge.

Industry Insight: Another Intel Security Flaw? How This Foreshadows Delays for 5G.

On 8/14/2018, Intel revealed another security flaw has been exposed called “Foreshadow”, whereby a botnet could bypass the safeguards and create a “shadow copy” at an unprotected location of the computer’s CPU rendering Intel’s security measures inert.

Tech Insight: Apple WWDC 2018

WWDC 2018 was held yesterday, and the Apple team announced a wide range of new features across the portfolio of Apple platforms: Apple TV, iOS, MacOS and WatchOS as they always do each year. It’s always a bit of a challenge to determine which of these features, if any, is going to change the game. After all, it is Apple. We expect innovation, and the bar is set very high for this icon of “disruption.”

Industrial IoT: Shaping The Future of IoT – Part 3

Special guest, Rob Tiffany, CTO of Hitachi Lumada joins neXt Curve to discuss the origins, the present and future of the Internet of Things and the impact that it will have on our digital economy in the last installment of this 3-part webcast series. 

Industrial IoT: Shaping The Future of IoT – Part 2

Special guest, Rob Tiffany, CTO of Hitachi Lumada joins neXt Curve to discuss the origins, the present and future of the Internet of Things and the technology trends that are driving the evolution of IoT in the second installment of this 3-part webcast series.