Tech Insight: RISC-V – Ready or Not?

The semiconductor industry has never faced a more tumultuous and exciting time than now. Competition, innovations, and geopolitics are forcing tectonic shifts in the industry landscape. These shifts have put a spotlight on RISC-V from multiple vantage points that highlight its emerging importance. While it is still early days, SiFive has been at the forefront of advancing the RISC-V agenda and bringing it to the mainstream. The company’s founders are the founders of the open semiconductor standard. How are they approaching an incredibly dynamic market and fast-changing industry?

Tech Insight: TinyML

AI related technologies have been around for decades. It is nothing new despite the recent hype that has elevated AI to the forefront of the “digital” discussion. Why are we excited about AI? It is becoming increasingly ubiquitous thanks to some pivotal advancements in how and where AI can be deployed. TinyML is one of these advancements that promises to bring AI to the tiniest of things.

Meltdown & Spectre – Part 3: Tackling The Great Digital Risk of Our Time

Meltdown and Spectre represent a new class of security threat that endangers our digital world at its core – the processor.  What do enterprises need to do to protect their digital businesses and their customers from Meltdown and Spectre exploits in a Privacy First world with GDPR enforced?

Meltdown & Spectre – Part 2: The Internet of Security Risk

Meltdown and Spectre represent a new class of security threat that endangers our digital world at its core – the processor. What aspects of our digital lives, work, society and economy will be impacted by Meltdown and Spectre?

Meltdown & Spectre – Part 1: The Threat We Don’t Want to Talk About

Meltdown and Spectre represent a new class of security threat that endangers our digital world at its core – the processor. With the unveiling of such profound security holes, what do business leaders need to do to understand the potential impact of Meltdown and Spectre on their organizations and businesses?