Tech Insight: RISC-V – Ready or Not?

The semiconductor industry has never faced a more tumultuous and exciting time than now. Competition, innovations, and geopolitics are forcing tectonic shifts in the industry landscape. These shifts have put a spotlight on RISC-V from multiple vantage points that highlight its emerging importance. While it is still early days, SiFive has been at the forefront of advancing the RISC-V agenda and bringing it to the mainstream. The company’s founders are the founders of the open semiconductor standard. How are they approaching an incredibly dynamic market and fast-changing industry?

neXt Curve is joined by James Prior, Head of Communications at SiFive to explore the following topics:

  • What is the state of the RISC-V nation? – James provides an overview of RISC-V, its origins, its history and its current state of evolution and development.
  • What are the current opportunities for RISC-V to advance? – We discuss how today’s dynamic industry environment and technology trends are creating opportunities for RISC-V to be considered as a viable and even compelling option to incumbent semiconductor technologies.
  • What are the challenges facing RISC-V? – We discuss the gaps that the RISC-V community is working on to bring the technology up to a level that will be competitive with incumbent semiconductor technologies.
  • What does the ”ecosystem” have to do to prosper & grow? – We discuss the specific plays that the RISC-V community needs to make in the near and medium terms to build momentum for the adoption of the technology.

reThink Podcast featuring James Prior, Head of Global Communications, SiFive

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Leonard Lee

Managing Director, neXt Curve

April 26, 2021

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